Gorgeous trans bimbo August wont be attending the party tonite. She took a ride from a handsome stranger and now she is bound and gagged in his garage dungeon. She struggles in her chair against the tight bonds, but the ropes will not budge. She tries to call out for help, but the mouth-filling sponge in her mouth and the layers of tape over the top conspire to keep her quiet. She should have known better than to hitch hike while all dressed up in her sexy satin secretary outfit, but now its too late for her. The hours wear on.. and after a few bound orgasms, she starts to think maybe this wasn't such a bad thing. She had always fantasized about being manhandled and tied up by some strong stranger. She hadn't anticipated the vibrator he would use on her satin panties, but it was a welcome addition. He knows just where to put it for maximum sensitivity and she can't help but get rock hard, and this only seems to excite him more. As she cums again, she is spent. Her mind wanders to all kinds of things.. But mainly she wonders what he will do with her after they've had their fun..
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